Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Alternate Happily Ever After

First things first: Hello. =]

I updated the site a little, and probably will be doing something different very soon because I really enjoy toying with photoshop.
How is it?
Feedback would be greaaat.
I also am sorry I haven't posted in a while, I am consumed with school work but I will try my best to keep this blog updated.
Which is why I added a twitter
so that whenever I do not have time to update, I can atleast post a small something so this site doesn't seem so dead. 
I also want to make a list of television shows to watch, to avoid, and maybe something about ended series that should be taken into television consideration because they are epic and/or classic. 
Suggestions? Feel free to comment.

Finally, Glee starts next week (April 13th on Fox) so if you are a Gleek, tune in. 
If you are not, try it out, it is critcally acclaimed (though that doesn't always say much). 

Now, onto the good stuff.
This night's episode of Lost.

So, Lost never ceases to surprise me.
I didn't take notes this time (lol), so bear with me as I break this down.

Desmond, as we had seen in the last episode, was bought back to the Island by Charles Widmore who invaded the island with his submarine.
We also know that Widmore is Desmond's father in law, though they do not get along whatsoever because of previous events that transpired.
Widmore tells Desmond that he brought him to the Island, after being shot by Benjamin Linus, in order to do something very important.
Desmond, being skeptical and visibly angry, reacts...unfavorably.
Widmore then puts Desmond in a chamber of sorts where he is being faced at both sides with some type of electromagnetic device.
Previously, we had just seen someone fried to death because of this but Widmore is confident that because Desmond survived the other electromagnetic blast he would come out of this one unscathed.

When it is turned on, we are faced with Desmond's alternate universe.
And yes, I think I was right. 
I think it IS an alternate universe.
Claps for me if it is, lol.
Anyhow, in his alternate universe Desmond works for Charles' business and his very close with him being a most trusted employee.
Charles beckons Desmond to bring Charlie (rock star, drug addict, Driveshaft, Oceanic 815...yes that Charlie) from the police station to his son's concert.
Desmond agrees and picks up Charlie, who is very resistant.
Charlie tells Desmond that he has "seen love" when he was choking on the heroin stash that got him in jail in the first place.
He said love was a blonde woman(Claire?) and he could prove to Desmond what he had seen.
While in the car, Charlie grabs the wheel and steers the car directly into the harbor(I guess its a harbor) rendering himself unconscious.
Desmond loosens himself and when going to save Charlie sees an illusion of Charlie's hand against the glass window reading "Not Penny's Boat" just as it had in "Through the Looking Glass" from season three.
Later in the hospital during a MRI Desmond sees more visions, all of Penny and his son, things that happened after he left the island.
Desmond asks Charlie who Penny is, but Charlie tells him he doesn't know.
He then asks Charlie to come with him but he is told to 'stop worrying about me, and start looking for Penny.'
Failing to successfully get the rockstar to the concert, Desmond is made to go tell Mrs. Widmore in person what happened.
Mrs. Widmore, who we discover is Eloise---previous leader of the island, mother of Daniel, and the woman who helped the Oceanic 6 get back to the island, is unusually understanding about the occurences.
When Desmond is leaving, he overhears the name 'Penny' being read off of a list and acquires about it.
Eloise tells Desmond to stop, stop looking for answers and stop looking for Penny. 
She seemingly knows everything that is happening inside his head, telling him that he has everything he wants especially "the approval of my husband (Charles)." 
Desmond is then approached by Daniel and told that he has also felt something strange.
He saw a redheaded girl in a museum(Charlotte) and immediately knew he loved her.
He had also woken up in the middle of the night and written a quantum physics equation so complex that only "some who had been studying physics their whole life" could have written it.
But in that universe, Daniel was only a musician.
Daniel told Desmond that he believes they some how altered their futures and were living that life right now.
He also told him he knows exactly where and when he would meet Penny.
Desmond then finds Penny, running up stadium stairs (the same way he had been when he met Jack for the first time).
When he sees her, he seems to realize he has loved her all along (the same way Charlie and Daniel felt, I suppose) and asks her on a date. 
Though they just met, she agrees---seemingly fallen for him as well. 
Back in his limo, Desmond asks his driver for the manifest of Flight 815 so he can show them what he has seen.

Back on the island, Desmond is unharmed by the electromagnetic chamber.
He wakes up, seemingly remembering everything from his "alternate happily ever after", and asks how long he was out.
He is no longer upset with Charles and tells him he doesn't need an explanation.
He only needs to know what he has to do.

On the way back, Sayid ambushes the group on the way from the chamber and takes Desmond away who is very calm and understanding. 
"Of course, lead the way." he says when Sayid tells him they are dangerous. 

All of the episodes seem a little disconnected, even though several people invade other's alternate universes. 
But, because Desmond claims to want to tell the other passengers about what they are missing, I think it will all come together soon.
What do you think?

Desmond and Penny make for very good television, their lives are so interesting and the fact that their love is kind of forbidden is really cool (see: Romeo and Juliet...lol).
Daniel Faraday(-Widmore) being back in the picture is very good, since he understands time travel and would be best to explain what is happening.
Since we are getting down to the wire, I expect more answers.

On a side note how AWESOME was the episode on Richard Alpert.
I am very intrigued by his story and if you haven't seen it yet, check Hulu.

In celebration of how awesome Richard became this season, I leave you this.

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