Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Messenger

This list has not been solidified, it isn't written in stone, meaning many things can change.
My apologies if your favorite show was cancelled or is ending, and congrats if its being renewed
Any updates I see, I will be sure to post.

What Has Been Axed :
Heroes (NBC)
Law And Order (NBC)
Scrubs (ABC)
Flash Forward (ABC)
Romantically Challenged (ABC)
Better off Ted (ABC)
Ghost Whisperer (CBS)
Numb3rs (CBS)
Cold Case (CBS)
Accidentally on Purpose (CBS)
Miami Medical (CBS)
The New Adventures of Old Christine (CBS)
Til' Death (FOX)
24 (FOX)
Brothers (FOX)
Dollhouse (FOX)

What Fights to Live Another Day:
Lie to Me (Fox)
Human Target (Fox)
Glee (FOX)
...several others.

The End is Here For:
Lost (ABC)
Ugly Betty (ABC)
The Tudors (Showtime)
Saving Grace (TNT)
Nip/Tuck (FX)

For new shows go here:
FOX (view the side bar)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

(Lost) Smokey Gets Things Done: Major Spoiler Alert

Let me start by saying not only am confused, I am very upset.
These writers are probably some of the best of our generation.

Lost, with all its teasing and 'I will tell you next week,' has been somewhat abusive to its fans.
I, personally, started watching last summer and didn't have to wait a week to see the next episode.
I clicked it on hulu and was perfectly happy.
Now, things have changed.
Not only has Lost been keeping secrets, they are mass murders.

Here is where we walk into spoiler territory.
If you haven't heard: Jin, Sun, and Sayid are dead.
Seemingly, Lapidus is too, but we still aren't sure.

What happened, you ask?

Not Locke, Sayid, and Jack "rescued" the escapees (Sun, Jin, Lapidus, Sawyer, Kate, and Claire) from Widmore and took them to the plane in order to leave the island.
However, when he got on it, he found explosives rigged to the electrical wiring and told them Widmore had done it in order to kill them all at once.
Therefore, they needed to take the submarine instead.
Sawyer and Jack(mostly Sawyer) devised a plan to get everyone on the sub except Not Locke, and Jack decided for himself not to go.
However, in the process of hijacking, Kate got shot(not killed) and the tables were turned.
Jack managed to knock Not Locke into the ocean, but he was stuck on the submarine while trying to carry in Kate.
Claire was left behind.
"You don't want to be on that sub" Not Locke told her.

On the sub, Jack discovers a ticking bomb inside his backpack.
So I think "Who cares, Sayid should be able to diffuse a bomb"
As everyone kind of stared at it, Sayid told them if they pulled the two wires out simultaneously then the bomb should "in theory" be inert.
Jack, however, had another theory.
If they let the bomb run out nothing would happen.
He told them Not Locke cannot kill them because he would have already and instead wants them to kill eachother.
He needs them to be dead in order to leave the island.
Kind of like when he was sitting on the beach with Jacob and said "Do you know how badly I want to kill you right now?"
I'm assuming he cannot kill any of the candidates.
Well there goes all that senseless running in the woods from the smoke monster from seasons 1-5.
Sawyer, no longer trusting Jack after getting Juliet killed, pulls out the wires anyway.
This only making the time run out faster.
Sayid, heroically, picked up the bomb and told Jack he "will need Desmond at the bottom of the well" he didn't kill him.
Jack asked why he was telling him all this and Sayid replied "because its going to be you"
The new Jacob?
Then he ran off and...blew up.
Just like that.
As water began flooding the sub, it began to fall apart.
Jack told Hurley to take Kate.
Hurley "I have to go after Sayid"

Sun was stuck between a pipe and the submarine wall, where Jin and Sawyer were trying to free her.
Sawyer was hit in the head and knocked out, so Jack had to save him instead of helping Jin.
Apparently, Lapidus had been knocked out by a falling piece of the sub, this is someone else's view though, not my own. I didn't see it happen.
I was too busy crying over Sayid.
Sun told Jin to leave her, but he wouldn't abandon her after they had just reunited.
The sub filled up with water and they drifted away slowly as their hands parted from holding.
Like I said, mass murderers.

Hurley, Jack, Kate, and Sawyer made it to the island in one piece.
"Jin and Sun?" Kate asked.
And then Hurley began crying, followed by Kate.
Jack went down to the ocean and began crying himself.
It was most devastating to see Hurley cry because he watched Illana blow up without more than a blink.
He talks to ghosts everyday and was pretty brave in blowing up the Black Rock.
I guess it was all just too much.

Sawyer was unconscious, but I am sure he will be feeling guilty when he wakes up.
Sure, Jack killed Juliet, but Sawyer killed Jin, Sun, and Sayid.
Who is the bad guy now?
No, I am kidding, I like Sawyer.

When Sayid died I literally screamed "NO!!!!" so loudly my dad came in to ask what happened.
My brother: "Shes fine dad, shes just watching Lost."
He was my favorite character, and so amazing, and now he is gone.

I hate and love what these writers have done to me.
I vow to never be so invested in a show the way I am with this one.

Jin and Sun dying was terrible.
So sad, Jin never even got to hold his daughter.
In the flashsideways she doesn't even exist.
I am thinking these two are no longer candidates.
My friend insists "They aren't dead" and that their flash sideways mean something.
But what could they possibly.

As much as I want to kill Sawyer for not listening to Jack, I get he doesn't trust him after the Juliet thing.
Afterall, we don't know if Jack's theory is correct.
All signs point to yes, but then again the writers are evil.
They turn smoke monsters into people and kill major characters.
They might be just toying with us.

They have an episode called "What They Died For" coming up in two weeks so, i'm thinking we can expect an explanation and a few more major deaths. =[

What I am looking for in coming episodes:
1. Miles, Ben, and Richard.
Where the hell are those guys!?

2. Hurley maybe seeing the ghosts of Sayid, Sun, and Jin. Maybe Lapidus?

3. The Adam and Eve stones.
I saw Hurley with them two weeks ago.
Who has them now?

4. What do the flash sideways' mean?
This week, not MUCH happened, there was a lot of alluding talk between Jack and Locke.
"What happened, happened."
"I wish you believed me."

5.Why isn't Kate a candidate anymore?
I think the writers just hate her, haha.

Thats all I have for now, if I think of something else I will write again.

I missed Glee watching Lost, so I will have to watch it online.
Olivia Newton John and Sue? A must see.

Finally, the finale of Lost is now 2 and a half hours long.
Buckle up, it is going to be a bumpy ride.
I plan on watching this episode again.
Because I am an emotional cutter.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Vampire Diaries: Late & Final

I was so supposed to write about Glee last week but I didn't and I am sorry.
I will try my best to get up a recap/review for this weeks episode.
You can totally watch it online though (Hulu, Fox, etc.)

Vampire Diaries time.
Everytime I watch VD now, I am going to think "Is this the episode Damon and Elena kiss,"
because after Thursday nights episode it is SO freaking obvious these two are sparking.

Did Elena betray Stefan on Stefan's behalf...or Damon's?
Can it really be called betrayal.
The tension is literally killing me.
Stefan is back on "the human stuff" as he calls it and like any good addict, he is lying about it.
"Im fine" Really Stefan?
Is that why you kidnapped and compelled that poor Miss Mystic falls contestant when Elena found out.
"Im not sad, i'm freaking hungry!"
Part of me wished he could have actually said the F-word, but that line was enjoyable and delivered beautifully nonetheless.
You have to feel bad for Stefan, I do, but I have to admit this side of him doesn't suck. No pun intended.
I mean, he is fun, hilarious, and hot.
It's only when he starts doubting his "true self" that he gets miserable, depressing, and scary...still funny though.

Lets talk about Damon, and inevitably Elena.
The roles have been switched and the usually apathetic and fun Damon is now responsible and-what?....caring?
"I don't do forgiveness." Okay, maybe he isn't THAT caring.
He did, however, step in to save Elena from founding family embarrassment and sat with her after Elena literally
stabbed Stefan in the back....with a needle of vervain no less.
It was to save him from himself, of course, but stroking his head and telling him it as okay for slamming her against a wall makes
Elena look quite deceitful.

Here is a great Damon quote to leave you with.
This was after Uncle Gilbert threatened to expose him to the council.
"Go ahead. I'll kill every last one of them. Then i'll sever your hand, take off your ring, and kill you too."

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Hunger: Stefan, you have a drinking problem

To be honest, when I first started watching this episode I was thinking
"What is wrong with drinking human blood"
I mean...your a vampire.
Your in the middle of a kind-of war and human blood makes you the strongest.
I didn't really see a problem with that.
However, Damon and Stefan are two vastly different characters.
Damon is uncontrollable, but in a way that makes you think "Thats classic Damon, breaking people's necks without a second thought" (We'll get back to this)
Stefan, on the other hand, had self-restraint.
Now he has a serious lack of self restraint and its eating away at him.
He not only craves human blood, he needs it.
I say this sparingly because his need is not dire, but it is torturous.
He said his skin feels like its burning, which in my mind seems sadistic to try and keep yourself from drinking human blood.
The only catch is, Elena is pretty human.
Being around her is going to begin to be a chore, as he tries to separate "Elena his girlfriend" from "Elena a human with blood".

Which sucks.
And, as I predicted, I have a feeling Damon is going to swoop in for the kill seeing as he is now the mature Salvatore brother.
Of course Elena "loves" Stefan, but I wonder how long she can "love" him after he is vying for the blood inside her veins.
Poor Stefan, he needs rehab.

So what actually happened in the episode?

Uncle John Gilbert returns to town which means trouble for the Salvatore brothers, even though Damon is the only one aware of it.
Seeing as he is now the "mature" brother, at the kick off party in Mystic Falls, John Gilbert reveals that he knows about Damon and about the Tomb so Damon breaks his neck.
Rather quick, and unexpectedly.
Damon is also getting in cozy with the History teacher Alaric since their "break out Stefan mission" last week.
Not too cozy though, just not "kill on sight."
When John Gilbert comes back to life, Damon realizes he was wearing the same ring Alaric was.
Gilbert inherited it, but is wearing his brother's ring, while he gave his to Isobel who in turn gave her's to Alaric.
Yea, this is complicated (not really...)

Stefan gets drunk at the kick off in order to keep his blood thirst to a minimum, but he is in actuality just acting like a drunken fool-compelling people, dancing with Matt's mom- and Elena is worried.
What else is new.
Stefan almost sucks the blood of some not so innocent rabble-rouser in the parking lot but controls himself, just barely.

Jeremy and Elena had some much needed bonding time, she told him she was adopted.
But she didn't tell him about Vicki.
So, Jeremy-realizing someone must have buried Vicki's body- goes through Elena's diary.
Side note: I forgot all about her diary, which is weird because this is "Vampire Diaries"
I remeber when we would see clips of Elena and Stefan writing in their diaries...not so much anymore.
Anyway, now Jeremy knows everything, but Elena does not know that he knows what she thinks he is trying to figure out.
Now that is complicated.
Maybe Elena should have just been honest with him.
Honesty is the best policy after all.

This episode was nothing compared to last weeks, which was freakin sweet.
But, Damon never ceases to amaze me.

I really think he and Elena are going to share an intimate moment, more intimate than him going through her bra drawer.

A Damon line to finish us off:
“Do you wanna hear the bad news or the really bad news? Do you want to hear how the council is back in vampire mode or how I just killed Uncle John Gilbert?" as he walks away with a smile.
You have to love ruthlessness in a character like his.

Glee is coming up next.
I will probably write it as im sitting in psychology with my head against the wall.
I actually do that btw.
It should be up by tonight, but it was awesome and I will tell you why.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Quick and Dirty: Everybody Loves Hugo

So here is the simple version

Off the Island:
  • We are experiencing Hurley's "alternate"
  • He is a successful benefactor and chain owner of a fried chicken restaurant
  • On a blind date, he runs into Libby, she isn't his blind date btw, who tells him she knows him from somewhere and asks if 1) he believes in soul mates 2) if he remembers her
  • He doesn't remember her, but he is taken by her and when he sees her pulling off in a mental health van he is probably thinking "just my luck"
  • He runs into Desmond, and we know from the last episode(and last blog) what he is up to"Were you on flight 815"
  • He tells Desmond about Libby and Desmond infers that this is his "soulmate" who will help him become enlightened as he had, so he tells Hugo to go after her.
  • He does, they have the first date they never had on the island and when Libby kisses\ him he starts seeing the stuff she, Desmond, Charlie, and Daniel Faraday are already in tune to: Their lives on the Island. I wonder however where hers ends, seeing as she died on the island. I guess I could wonder that about Charlie and Daniel as well.
  • Desmond runs over John Locke with his car: We can assume he was trying to help him "see" with a near death experience, but this is one of those cliffhangers Lost is famous for.

On the island:
  • While visiting Libby's grave, Hurley sees Michael who tells him he has to stop everyone from going to blow up the plane or they are going to die.
  • Side note: Michael's best line on Lost "WAAAALLLLLTTT!!!" haha.
  • Anyway, Michael also tells Hurley that "people are listening to you now." He must be important.
  • Hurley warns Illana, but she is set on blowing it up because that is what she has been trained her entire life for.
  • Illana has the dynamite from the "Black Rock" and does not head Hurley's warning about "that stuff [being] unstable." So when she drops the bag on the ground, she blows up.
  • Richard wants more dynamite, Hurley says no way and blows up the Black Rock.
  • Miles says something very intuitive "Do you always just listen to what these dead people tell you to do" It got me thinking...I KNOW RIGHT?
  • Richard splits the group (The Blowerupers and The Hurleyians)
  • The Blowerupers (Richard, Miles, Ben Linus) are going to get grenade and other explosives to get ride of that plane once and for all
  • The Hurleyians (Jack, Lapidus, an aphasic Sun, and of course Hurley) are blindly following Hurley to do...what ever the hell he says. In this instance, going to "talk" to Not Locke.
  • Sayid returns to Not Locke's camp, leaving Desmond tied to a tree in the woods
  • Desmond meets Not Locke who takes him on a walk to find out why Widmore brought him to the island.
  • Not Locke tells him Widmore is interested in power, and asks Desmond why he isn't afraid.
  • Desmond says "Whats the point of being afraid"
  • He gets pushed into a well by Not Locke
  • Hurley tells Jack he didn't really see Jacob (who supposedly told him to talk to Locke) but Jack already knows
  • The Hurleyians all meet to talk with Not Locke.

Interesting things:
  • Ben said "No sooner did she tell you who you are than she blows up. The Island was done with her" Interesting. He also says "Makes you think what will happen to you when the island is through with you" Yes, it does. Thats worth pondering. Reading interviews with cast tell me that a lot of main characters are getting killed, I wonder who is next.
  • I think I saw Hurley with the Adam and Eve stones from season 1, which means 1) They are on the move 2) We can find out who Adam and Eve are 3) Adam might be Hurley
  • Michael tells Hurley the whispers in the forest are people who cannot leave the island. He is one of them. Michael cannot leave because of what he did (Killing Libby and Ana Lucia?)

Finally, I will be reviewing Glee probably later tonight.
Because Lost and Glee interrupted each others time spaces, I just finished watching Lost and am loading Glee on a (illegal) website right now.
Look forward to that.
Sorry this was so short.

Im interested in Adam and Eve theories.
Drop a line.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Alternate Happily Ever After

First things first: Hello. =]

I updated the site a little, and probably will be doing something different very soon because I really enjoy toying with photoshop.
How is it?
Feedback would be greaaat.
I also am sorry I haven't posted in a while, I am consumed with school work but I will try my best to keep this blog updated.
Which is why I added a twitter
so that whenever I do not have time to update, I can atleast post a small something so this site doesn't seem so dead. 
I also want to make a list of television shows to watch, to avoid, and maybe something about ended series that should be taken into television consideration because they are epic and/or classic. 
Suggestions? Feel free to comment.

Finally, Glee starts next week (April 13th on Fox) so if you are a Gleek, tune in. 
If you are not, try it out, it is critcally acclaimed (though that doesn't always say much). 

Now, onto the good stuff.
This night's episode of Lost.

So, Lost never ceases to surprise me.
I didn't take notes this time (lol), so bear with me as I break this down.

Desmond, as we had seen in the last episode, was bought back to the Island by Charles Widmore who invaded the island with his submarine.
We also know that Widmore is Desmond's father in law, though they do not get along whatsoever because of previous events that transpired.
Widmore tells Desmond that he brought him to the Island, after being shot by Benjamin Linus, in order to do something very important.
Desmond, being skeptical and visibly angry, reacts...unfavorably.
Widmore then puts Desmond in a chamber of sorts where he is being faced at both sides with some type of electromagnetic device.
Previously, we had just seen someone fried to death because of this but Widmore is confident that because Desmond survived the other electromagnetic blast he would come out of this one unscathed.

When it is turned on, we are faced with Desmond's alternate universe.
And yes, I think I was right. 
I think it IS an alternate universe.
Claps for me if it is, lol.
Anyhow, in his alternate universe Desmond works for Charles' business and his very close with him being a most trusted employee.
Charles beckons Desmond to bring Charlie (rock star, drug addict, Driveshaft, Oceanic 815...yes that Charlie) from the police station to his son's concert.
Desmond agrees and picks up Charlie, who is very resistant.
Charlie tells Desmond that he has "seen love" when he was choking on the heroin stash that got him in jail in the first place.
He said love was a blonde woman(Claire?) and he could prove to Desmond what he had seen.
While in the car, Charlie grabs the wheel and steers the car directly into the harbor(I guess its a harbor) rendering himself unconscious.
Desmond loosens himself and when going to save Charlie sees an illusion of Charlie's hand against the glass window reading "Not Penny's Boat" just as it had in "Through the Looking Glass" from season three.
Later in the hospital during a MRI Desmond sees more visions, all of Penny and his son, things that happened after he left the island.
Desmond asks Charlie who Penny is, but Charlie tells him he doesn't know.
He then asks Charlie to come with him but he is told to 'stop worrying about me, and start looking for Penny.'
Failing to successfully get the rockstar to the concert, Desmond is made to go tell Mrs. Widmore in person what happened.
Mrs. Widmore, who we discover is Eloise---previous leader of the island, mother of Daniel, and the woman who helped the Oceanic 6 get back to the island, is unusually understanding about the occurences.
When Desmond is leaving, he overhears the name 'Penny' being read off of a list and acquires about it.
Eloise tells Desmond to stop, stop looking for answers and stop looking for Penny. 
She seemingly knows everything that is happening inside his head, telling him that he has everything he wants especially "the approval of my husband (Charles)." 
Desmond is then approached by Daniel and told that he has also felt something strange.
He saw a redheaded girl in a museum(Charlotte) and immediately knew he loved her.
He had also woken up in the middle of the night and written a quantum physics equation so complex that only "some who had been studying physics their whole life" could have written it.
But in that universe, Daniel was only a musician.
Daniel told Desmond that he believes they some how altered their futures and were living that life right now.
He also told him he knows exactly where and when he would meet Penny.
Desmond then finds Penny, running up stadium stairs (the same way he had been when he met Jack for the first time).
When he sees her, he seems to realize he has loved her all along (the same way Charlie and Daniel felt, I suppose) and asks her on a date. 
Though they just met, she agrees---seemingly fallen for him as well. 
Back in his limo, Desmond asks his driver for the manifest of Flight 815 so he can show them what he has seen.

Back on the island, Desmond is unharmed by the electromagnetic chamber.
He wakes up, seemingly remembering everything from his "alternate happily ever after", and asks how long he was out.
He is no longer upset with Charles and tells him he doesn't need an explanation.
He only needs to know what he has to do.

On the way back, Sayid ambushes the group on the way from the chamber and takes Desmond away who is very calm and understanding. 
"Of course, lead the way." he says when Sayid tells him they are dangerous. 

All of the episodes seem a little disconnected, even though several people invade other's alternate universes. 
But, because Desmond claims to want to tell the other passengers about what they are missing, I think it will all come together soon.
What do you think?

Desmond and Penny make for very good television, their lives are so interesting and the fact that their love is kind of forbidden is really cool (see: Romeo and Juliet...lol).
Daniel Faraday(-Widmore) being back in the picture is very good, since he understands time travel and would be best to explain what is happening.
Since we are getting down to the wire, I expect more answers.

On a side note how AWESOME was the episode on Richard Alpert.
I am very intrigued by his story and if you haven't seen it yet, check Hulu.

In celebration of how awesome Richard became this season, I leave you this.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Hi, everyone.
This week I watched The Oscars, Gossip Girl (The Hurt Locket), Lost (Dr. Linus), and The Office (St. Patrick's Day) which were okay, good, great, and funny, respectively. 
I want to talk about all of these shows.....seriously I do!
But I wont.
I will, however, talk about Sunday's episode of How to Make it in America which I appreciated.
But first, I will talk about actors, actresses, and Hollywood.
Skip ahead if you don't want to hear my rant.

Lets talk about underrated actors and actresses.
I REALLY want to know what you guys think about this.
No...Im serious, lol.

I really think there are quite a few.
I know these have been said before, but I agree: 

1. Zooey Deschanel (see 500 days of Summer)
2. Casey Affleck (see Gone Baby Gone)
3. Michelle Monaghan (see Gone Baby Gone)
4. Aaron Standford (see The Hills Have Eyes 2)
5. Ben Foster (see X-Men the Last Stand)
6. Edward Norton (see American History X)
7. Emile Hirsch (see Into The Wild) [i haven't seen this personally btw]
8. Joseph Gordon-Levitt (see Brick)
9. James Franco (see Pinneapple Express) [for my own amusement =]
10. Cillian Murphy [see Watching the Deceives] 

Those are my [few] choices.
Im positive other people can come up with better ideas.
Give it a shot!

Now, Bryan Greenberg is pretty awesome.
He is usual type-casted as that Jewish kid from New York, but he plays it well.
BTW, my brother loves this guy and this show.
I recently re-watched 'Prime' with Uma Thurman and Greenberg which I still found hilarious.
Meryl Streep was in it if that motivates you to watch it.

A lot of people get on this guy because they think he is incapable of carrying a show, but hes doing pretty okay so far.
But, I am not one to make accurate predictions of a shows future.
See The Black Donnelly's, which I followed episode for episode until one day.....well, no episode.

Anyway, I talk about him because he is the star of 'How to Make it in America' and is doing good in making me laugh RIGHT before the episode goes off.
Anyway, this week we are following Ben as he deals with paying back David by getting him into Avenue and attending Rachel's birthday party.
Eventually, he just hangs with David, Cam, and whatever Kid Cudi's character is named.
However, he and Rachel seem to be carrying a torch for one another still.
Anyways, the episode was dry on laughs until we got to the very end, where Ben, Cam, and David were driving off and Ben says 
"Can we not be three dudes listening to Teddy Pendergrass in a white Bentley, please?"
Okay, well I will let you go.
Im sure you have had enough of my non-important speech.

Dont forget to list your most underrated actors/actresses list.
Underrated can mean ANYTHING you want.

Enjoy your weekend, school next week!
Yuck, school....

Oh I just remember to post this:
The Hurt Locker- Best Movie
Katherine Bigelow- Best Director
Sandra Bullock- Best Actress
Jeff Bridges- Best Actor
Christoph Waltz- Supporting Actor
Monique- Supporting Actress

I was going to say I predicted this, but since I don't have the proof whats the point!
Okay, seriously, go enjoy your weekend!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Special Delivery

Hello again!
The Office: Delivery part 1 and 2 premeired this past Thursday.
Did you see it?
It was hilarious.
I laughed the entire way through.
There were two episodes, but I think I can map out the gist of it.
Pam began having contractions but, wanting to wait until midnight, she held off on going to the hospital.
Much to the dismay of Jim.
The two of them are sooooo cute together.
They cemented their place as television's cutest couple.
So here were the highlights:
Dwight and Angela contracting a baby (you have to see to understand)
Jim having a meltdown
Andy's evolution of dance
Michael's untamed excitement over the baby
(Michael: Oscar! Should I bring a dictionary to the hospital?! Oscar: The hospital will provide dictionaries, bring a thesaurus. haha)
Erin and Kevin having a lunch date
Andy and Erin finally getting together.
Dwight sleeping in Jim and Pam's bed, commando, and tearing apart their kitchen
and finally
Pam finally giving birth!
Jim and Pam breast feeding the wrong baby
You gotta love them.
If you haven't seen it, you should definately watch it online, as well as the webisode The Mentor.
Tonight, 'The Oscars'!
Monday: 'Gossip Girl' premiere
Tuesday: new 'Lost'
Have a great week!
Enjoy your tv!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sundown (Spring BREAK)

It's been so long since my last post!
My friend(not really) called me a dead beat blogger so I have to update.
Just kidding, she really is my friend.
Hello Ross, lol.
Anyways, lets get on to the important stuff.
You know what im talking about.
What we have all been waiting for.
That's right.
Hold your applause people.

I am not gonna talk about previous weeks, because I can not catch up.
Too much happens in one episode, so its really hard.
I apologize.
But, I will talk about this week's (yesterday's) episode: Sundown.

Lets start with some background.
This being a Sayid-centered episode, we should start with our favorite torturer himself.
Sayid Jarrah.
He was seemingly dead in the season opener after suffering from a gun shot wound that carried all the way from last season.
He was taken to the Temple, as instructed to Hurley by Jacob, where they "drowned him" trying to save his life.
I don't know.
Whatever their intention may have been in doing that, he was killed.
Then, he woke up.
Leaving every Lost fan, mouth gaping and wondering "WTF?!"
Well, in this episode Sayid is wondering the same thing.
As Miles said "You were dead for two hours. They were just as surprised as we were when you sat up."
On top of that, the leader of the temple attempted to have Jack poison Sayid (read previous post).
Sayid was not only angry, but completely confused.
Meanwhile, in real time or the alternative universe, Sayid is taking his trip to see Nadia.
Only this time, Nadia is married to his brother with two children, though it is apparent to everyone (even the children and her husband) that the two of them are in love.
Eventually Nadia asks Sayid why he pushed her toward his brother, and he said "I don't deserve you" =[ Poor Sayid!

Sayid goes to see Dogen(leader of the temple thingy) and asks him why he thinks he is evil.
Proclaiming he is a "good man".
Dogen doesn't buy this sad story and they go into a full out Kill Bill-esque fight scene, where Dogen has Sayid by the neck but releases him when he sees his baseball fall on the floor.
We'll get back to that.
He then proceeds to banish Sayid from the temple when a suspicious looking Claire walks inside on a mission from The Man In Black/Smoke Monster/Locke.
Lets call him Not Locke, just for my amusement.
So, Not Locke wants Claire to deliver a message because he himself cannot go into the Temple.
Claire tells Dogen that Fake Locke wants to talk to him outside the gate, Dogen refuses claiming he is not a fool, and reclaims Sayid to do his dirty work.
He tells Sayid to prove that he is a good man and kill Fake Locke as soon as he sees him in the forest.
He tells him Not Locke is "Evil Incarnate"
Sayid agrees, I assume hoping to regain some credibility.
Kate returns to the Temple and hears that Claire is being held in 'the hole' which is literally a hole in the ground.
Kate goes to Claire, tells her she has raised Aaron, and Claire(getting all scary) kind of grunts then smiles.
In the last episode, she told Jin if Kate did have her baby she would kill her.
Scary, much?

In the alternate universe, Sayid's brother Omar makes a bad business decision and borrows money from a man (who turns out to be Keamy the mercenary who was out for Ben's head from season....3). Omar asks for Sayid's help, saying he knows what he did in the war and "what kind of man" he is. Sayid refuses, offering money instead.
Sayid just can't seem to shake that bad boy rep.
Ah, the casualties of war.
Anyway, Omar gets "mugged" by Keamy's guys and Nadia, realizing the situation, tells Sayid not to react.
Of course, Sayid listened, UNTIL Keamy's guys threatened his niece and nephew.
They kidnapped, for lack of a better word, Sayid and told him someone is gonna pay his money back.
Sayid, effortlessly, killed both of Keamy's guards and as Keamy begged for his life ("The debt is forgive. Lets just forget this") Sayid does what feels natural: "I can't" He says, and BANG BANG. Kills him dead.
Needless to say, this episode was action packed.

Meanwhile, on the Island Sayid sees Not Locke in the forest in stabs him on sight.
However, Not Locke removes the knife and says "Shame on you" for doing Dogen's bidding.
Dogen, only wanting to get Sayid killed, was not to be trusted in Not Locke's eyes.
Not Locke tells Sayid he wants him to deliver a message and that he will give him anything in the world if he chooses to side with him.
Sayid tells him what he wanted, died in his arms (Nadia, some two seasons ago).
Locke tells him he can have it (meaning her) too.

Sayid goes back to the Temple and tells everyone in a loud voice that Not Locke was leaving the Island at sundown because Jacob was dead and if they wanted to come they would meet him.
Then Sayid goes to see Dogen to "return his knife."
Dogen, suprised to see Sayid alive, tells him that he used to be a business man and that Jacob saved his son(junior baseball player) from a terrible drunk driving accident involving himself, but the only trick was that Dogen had to take his place on the Island in a new job.
He then asks Sayid if he will stay(in the temple) or go (with Not Locke).
Sayid tells him he would like to stay, then throws him in the pool he was drowned in and kills him.
See? Action packed.
Then Dogen's apprentice guy goes off on a rant saying "That was the only thing keeping it out(Smoke Monster?)" but is then killed by Sayid ruthlessly.

After a while the Smoke Monster(who is really Not Locke) raids the place, killing everyone in his path.
Kate goes to find Claire who tells her she will be safer in the hole.
Ilana enters with Lepidus, Ben, and Sun who helps Miles escape.
Ben, however, goes to find Sayid (heroically, I might add. Pretty out of character.) but Sayid tells him there is no time left for him.

Finally, Kate, Claire, and Sayid along with some others who joined Not Locke before sundown head out on a mission that I am still a little foggy about.
So that was Lost.

New Office tomorrow on NBC at 8.
Pam is having the baby!
& The Oscars are Sunday!

Enjoy your spring break, unless of course, your not on spring break.
Then enjoy your week!

Friday, February 19, 2010

How to Make it...to school on time.

Okay, I just realized I have to catch a bus in half-an-hour (to get to school hence the title) so lets make this a quick one.

First of all, hello and welcome.

Today, I am going to talk about How to Make it in America(HMA) and I will come back to talk about Lost later, maybe this weekend.
Now, if you are lacking HBO, i'm sure you can catch HMA online.
Illegally, if you must.
...You didn't hear that from me.

This show just premiered last Sunday and stars:
Bryan Greenberg(Ben), Victor Rasuk(Cam), Lake Bell(Rachel), Eddie Kaye Thomas(David),  Luis Guzman(Rene) and 
Shannyn Sossamon(Gingy).

Ben has recently withdrawn from the street life, and is trying to quit smoking. He has just broken up with his girlfriend Rachel, but cannot seem to get over her. In fact, when he runs into her at his friend Gingy's art expo he can't take his eyes off of her. Later that night he stumble to her apartment, where she is there with a man, and makes....an ass of himself. 
Cam is his best friend, a hustler just trying to make it. When his cousin Rene gets out of jail, Cam is pressed to pay him back the money he was loaned to get Ben started with a (failed) skateboard hustle. This is all unbeknownst to Ben who is just trying to pick up the pieces of his life working at a a clothing store(I think its Urban Outfitters). Here he meets an old school friend (I guess) named David. David used to be the smart mouth Jewish kid (he still is) but has recently gotten rich in business. Cam creates a hustle to get the money back, by selling leather jackets from an illegal carrier. Even after persuading Ben to help him the two still come up short. 
Pressed for time Ben turns to David from the clothing store. He tries to sell him a black and white photo from Gingy's expo but it doesn't go over. Still, it seems David has always had a soft spot for Ben, because he offers to help him pay back his loan--if they can help him get friendly with the bouncer of a local club. They take the money and payback Cam's cousin.
Then Ben does the unthinkable: Let us borrow 3,000.
Cam: WHAT?!
After just paying him back, Ben remembers the jean material from the illegal carrier and dreams up another hustle.
I guess he's back in the game.
For a half-hour comedy, it actually wasn't all that funny.
But the critic reviews of later episodes kind of make me hopeful.
Besides, it was only the first episode and the characters are still being developed.

Watch it if you can and judge for yourself! 

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Vampire Diaries Fool Me Once: The Run Down

If you watched the Vampire Diaries on thursday, your probably thinking 
"Where the f&*k is Katherine."
Trust me, I know.

Shall I start from the beginning?
If you read my previous Vampire Diaries blog post you know everything (important) about the last episode.
So lets start where I left off.

Elena was kidnapped and taken to a hotel room to be guarded by Anna's boy toy....whatshisname. 
Bonnie is in the bath tub taking a nap(she was kidnapped too).
Fast forward to Stefan going mad with rage, breaking the two of them out of the room, and telling the boy toy if he doesn't disappear he's dead. 
He did all this of course, without the help of Damon who is still extremely angry at both Elena and Stefan for being tricked.
Again, see the previous blog post.  
Still, Stefan apologizes and tells him what happened to Katherine was completely his fault.
The apology was accepted followed by a painfully drawn out "I hope Elena dies."
Now, we just know thats untrue.
Fast forward again.
Anna is pissed with her boy toy (his name is Ben btw...I just googled it) and realizes even though they don't have the leverage they need to get into the tomb, Damon will find a way anyhow.
Elena, with Bonnie, her Grandmother, and Stefan, realizes that they need to just open the tomb and get Katherine out. That way Damon will leave and this whole ordeal will be over with. And that way, they can burn the rest of the vampires alive. Or dead. Whatever.
Granny agrees to help, and the games begin.
Now this is where it gets pretty....strange.
Elena goes to find Damon who doesn't look surprised to see her, even though he had high hopes for her untimely demise. Yea, right.
She tells him that she and the rest of the gang really intend on helping him free Katherine. 
Understandably, he is skeptical.
She takes off her vervain necklace(the one that keeps him from compelling her) and tells him to ask her of her true motives.
Damon, ever so sexily, puts the necklace back on her(see picture below) and tells her not to make him regret trusting her. Again.

Meanwhile, there is a party going on in the woods...like 100 feet from where they are getting ready to unleash all of these vampires, where Jeremy and Anna begin to get cozy.
Anna tells him she is moving away and the two get extremely close to prepare for a kiss when her boy toy hits him over the head, rendering him unconscious.
"You didn't have to hit him that hard" she said. "Yes. I did." Jealous, much?

Flash forward, to where Bonnie and her Grandmother open the tomb.
Stefan goes back above ground to get the gasoline for the burning alive segment. I mean dead...Whatever.
Using the opportunity as it was presented, Damon holds Elena "hostage" and brings her inside the tomb with him. 
Just to ensure that he will be able to come up, seeing as the witches don't really have any reason to trust/protect him anyhow.
Elena, a little to understanding about this, goes inside willingly. 
"I get it" she says.
Above ground, Stefan battles with Anna's boy toy having to choose between stopping Anna from entering the tomb or saving Elena's little brother(Jeremy).
Here, he burns Ben alive(or dead, whatever) with a...flamethrower and runs back inside.
Anna is permitted to enter the tomb by the witches, because Bonnie's grandmother never lifted the seal to let Vampire's exit the tomb in the first place.

Inside, Damon slips away from Elena, who is then caught by Anna.
Anna informs her that she always wanted to revive her mother by giving her Gilbert blood-initially deciding on Jeremy. But Elena was right there, making it oh so convenient . 
She proceeds to revive her mother with blood from Elena's wrist.

Outside the tomb, Stefan hears Elena's scream and enters, knowing he will not be able to come out.
He saves her, but cannot follow her outside the tomb as previously stated.
Bonnie begs her Grandmother to help her free Stefan, while Elena curiously worries about Damon.
Stefan agrees to find Damon so he wont be locked inside.
Bonnie and her Grandmother lift the spell, but it takes a lot out of them.

Damon, with a bag of blood to revive Katherine, realizes she isn't there and goes bad.
He throws the bag against the wall and goes....crazy would be a good word.
Stefan cannot calm him down, so Elena has to.
She runs inside, trying to find the Salvatore brothers before the tomb seal closes. 
Damon sees her, and agrees to come along.
He, Stefan, Elena, Pearl, and Anna make it out just in the nick of time.
Oh, joy.

 Elena then gives Damon a really long hug.
"Im so sorry." she says as Stefan looks on at the two of them in sorrow and....is that suspicion i detect?

Afterward, Elena nurses Jeremy back to health and asks him if he remembers what happened.
He says no, but the moment she leaves to Bonnie's house, he goes on the internet and searches Vampires in the real world. 
Damon finds Anna and begins to choke Pearl asking "Why do you get a happy ending?"
Anna pleads for her mother's life and Pearl tells Damon the truth.
Katherine offered eternal life to one of the guards and he let her go.
Anna tells Damon that she had last seen Katherine in Chicago, some odd years ago.
Katherine never came looking for Damon because she didn't care.
Damon goes away and mopes to Leona Lewis' "Run".

At Bonnie's, her grandmother lays down after feeling drained from the spell and seemingly dies.

Then, cut back to the tomb where a mysterious slow moving vampire picks up the blood that Damon threw and revives himself.
He then exits the tomb, ever so slowly.
Seal or no seal?

I am honestly concerned with Damon and Elena's progressing relationship.
This isn't looking good for Stefan. 
But they do look exceptionally cute together.

Vampire Diaries continues March 25th.

Ugh, what will I do with my Thursdays?
Well, there is still The Office and The Olympics(if your into that sort of thing).

Speaking of The Office, Pam goes into labor next week!
Im excited!

Wanna hear the mopey music?
Leona Lewis- Run 

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow Day

I know what I promised, and I am here to deliver. 

How much do you love snow days?
Its like skipping a class....but without the usual 'missed work' consequence.
Because the work is missed....collectively. 
Thats amazing.

Lets talk about (sigh)....Heroes.
I watched Heroes since season 1.
SEASON 1!!!!
Which means any bashing I do, or swooning for that matter, is rightfully earned. 
I worked for it.
So...this season...was pretty.....sad.
I mean, I try not to look at Heroes blogs because they make me upset at how judgmental they are.
But honestly, in most ways they are correct.
Heroes never really recovered after the writers strike.
I became so engrossed in the lives of the characters I was willing to look past the implausible nature of many of the themes to say: "Sylar is hot" or "Peter, Nathan, and their mother really need to mend their relationship"
I still think Sylar is hot (Zachary Quinto makes me smile) but the rest of the show just isn't working for me.
And as for the rest of the world, the ratings give their answer.
A new season is not promised, and that may not be a terrible thing.

On to the actual last episode: 
There was a massive build up all season for a tremendous let down.
As my friend says, it pretty much went like this 
"Claire: Samuel is bad.
Crowd: No he is not. You don't understand us.
Claire: Yea, he killed his brother!
Crowd: Wow...that sucks.
Claire: You have to get far away.
Crowd: Ok...thanks. See ya."

Thats how they defeated Samuel.
A fickle crowd, swayed by the charm of the sexually ambiguous Claire left Samuel making him powerless.
Then Claire goes to the top of the Ferris Wheel defying her father in his dying wish(he didn't actually die. Thank God because he was the only one that didn't get on my nerves so much this season), in front of the story hungry media dogs, and jumps off. 
Claire: Thats attempt number....I guess I lost count. 
My brother's text: She should have died.

Atleast Sylar and Peter are still good looking. 
And Hiro and Ando are still....well...Hiro and Ando.

I can't bear to say much more about them.
So I wont.
Lets just say I really miss the old Heroes.

I wont synthesize the episodes (LAX 1 and 2 or What Kate Does) because we all know Lost is just to complicated for this.
I will just bring up key points and my theories.

Its so difficult to have to go back in my mind and remember everything about an episode of Lost because there are so many questions posed, and now answers given, that everything kind of blends. 
First lets talk about what Juliet said: It worked.
Which can mean several things. I will offer two theories.
1)There is an alternative universe than the one on the island as a result of the detonation of the bomb.
2)The detonation of the bomb reversed the plane crash and what they are experiencing on the island isn't really happening.
I know the second theory seems kind of dry, its a work in progress but what made me think of it was something Jack said in LAX 2.
He asked Locke what happened to him and told him he was a spinal surgeon.
Locke said surgery wouldn't help him, and told him his condition was irreversible.

"Nothing's irreversible" Jack said. 
Then there was a 2 second pause where I knw that that line would be specific to the entire episode, if not the entire season. And it got me to thinking: What if it really is ALL reversible. 

So obviously I posted that huge Lost: Last Supper picture for a reason.
Usually, I think mock- Last Supper pictures are a little sacrilegious but I think Lost plays a lot on themes of the Christian religion, for example sacrifice.
With that in mind, lets talk about Sayid.
I wont go into details but Sayid was dead and woke up at the end of LAX 2 saying: What happened?
And the roars of a thousand Lost fans could be heard around the world: You can say that again.

In What Kate Does, Sayid is tortured, diagnosed, by the same people who seemingly saved his life. The leader, who's name escapes me I'm sorry, told Jack he had to give Sayid a pill to stop the infection growing within him.
He told Jack it would be a chance to redeem himself.
Jack, not trusting the man or himself, swallows the pill.
The man gives him the Heimlich maneuver and confesses that the pill was actually poison.
He said there was a darkness growing in Sayid and when the infection was complete nothing of his person would be left. Just like Claire.

I read an interesting blog after the season opener which says that Sayid is standing in the same place Judas stood in the Last Supper pictures.
Locke is sitting where Jesus sat.
They believed Jacob, who is currently dead but seen by Hurley, is taking over Sayid's body.
Since we know Locke is actually the man in black, then we know can assume if Sayid becomes Jacob then we have a good guy and a bad guy.
But who is good and who is bad.
Because the smoke monster was supposed to be protecting the island, and since the man in black is actually the smoke monster what does that mean?
Since we saw flashbacks of Jacob being featured in an important moment in each of the Oceanic 6 lives, excluding Aaron, we can assume he brought them there.
What does that mean?
We can infer that since the man in black(Locke) is positioned where Jesus is sitting and Jacob(for now, Sayid) is standing where Judas stood that this story may play out the way it had in The Bible.
A lot of questions to be answered...

One of the more simpler ones that I was interested in finding out is what is Richard's position on the island.
Who is he and who was he.
Locke: "Good to see you out of those chains" he said to Richard.
Was he a slave?
What is the fate of Sayid?
What is the actual state of the island and the Flight 815 passengers?
Lost creators are claiming to answer a lot of questions this season, or atleast not posing new ones, but I am still very confused.
I love this show.

Catch you next week
and enjoy your snow day.


Friday, February 5, 2010

This week...was awesome.

Before I start...I'm not going to talk about Lost.

So, read on.

Before you start jumping to conclusions...I did enjoy the episode and I do have a lot I want to say about it.
I just want to let my theories linger in my head until the next episode and then I will compile my thoughts about both episodes (from this week and next week) into one post.
Probably including a reaction to the Heroes season finale.

Vampire Diaries 
(The following contains spoilers)

I really loved Damon in this episode, maybe it was Ian Somehadler- who is 31 btw...go figure.
Everything about him was just as cynical, dark, clever, and evil but we got some flashbacks which really gave insight into his behavior.
No, I'm not a psychology major but behavior is interesting to me.

Damon and Stefan were both courting Katherine, aware of one another, in this flashback.
Both had already known she was a vampire as well.
Their father as well as the other people of the town sought out these 'demons of the night' aka vampires and recruited Damon and Stefan for their dirty work.
Stefan wanted to reason with their father and tell them about Katherine to make a case for her humanity, if you will.
Damon, knowing exactly what would happen if their father ever found out about Katherine, pleaded with Stefan not to tell. He abided, but later broke his promise.
He went on to question his father about the moral perspective behind their rounding up and killing of the vampires, never mentioning Katherine's name. 
His father, catching the gist of the argument, fed Stefan vervain to poison Katherine when she went to suck his....blood. Get your minds out of the gutter people. That scene was pretty sexual though so you are forgiven. =]

Katherine was taken by the people of the town and Damon began on his path for vengeance. 

Anna is revealed to be the daughter of a vampire woman named Pearl who was working with Katherine. She was captured trying to escape with her family. Emily then tells Anna not to worry, because she knows how she can protect them. Hence, why Anna wants to get into the tomb so badly. Screw Katherine, my mom is in there!

Back in the present,
Damon, Elena, and Stefan- the threesome- were coming closer to figuring out how to get into the tomb. Secretly though, Elena and Stefan are working apart from Damon to try and break this case...and Damon smells something fishy.
Damon questions Elena about his ability to trust Stefan-without trying to glamour her...I mean compel this isn't True Blood- and she tells him "Of course you can." but painfully as if she actually cares. 
"You have to give trust to get it" She says. Try taking your own advice.
Damon sees Anna and she tells him he needs to get their father's notebook in order to open the tomb.
Stefan realizes this a little earlier so he and Elena take to his father's grave.
Because he said his greatest secrets would die with him.

Damon arrives just in time to see he has been betrayed and doesn't feel bad in working alone. Claiming the only person he can trust is himself.

"But you, you had me fooled" he said to Elena, and she looked absolutely heartbroken. 

He then feeds her his blood and claims he will kill her so that he and Stefan will share a vampire girlfriend once again, unless he gets the book. With Stefan's attachment to Elena its obvious how this turned out. 

While lounging around the house Stefan goes to get Elena something for her headache and hears the news that Anna stopped by for a visit. 
He goes back upstairs to see Elena missing.

My favorite part of the episode is when Stefan and Elena were lying in bed and Damon came in unannounced.
"If I see something I haven't seen before I'll throw a dollar at it"

Damon Salavatore is my character of the week. 

Thursday, January 28, 2010

What lies in the shadow of the statue?

Feeling like possibly the biggest GEEK in the world, I thought I would throw that in there.
Anyway, the day has finally come!
Actually it hasn't, but it will soon enough: Lost! Feb. 2nd!!!

I have an extremely annoying paper to write, that is due on Wednesday, so I thought I would create this post now before the big day and let it linger a while.

Lost has a really big fan base, which I do not, so I am really excited to read other blogs and see videos the day after the first episode.

This post may seem very pointless to you, but Lost holds a very special place in my heart.
During the summer of 2009, drowned in the boredom that is an early summer(I graduated so I was out by May) I stumbled across something that changed my life forever....
Ok, it really isn't that dramatic.
I'd always heard that Lost was an amazing show, but it just didn't look interesting to me.
I waited a good 5 years(!) to show my interest and watched seasons 1-5 in 3 weeks.
It may sound easy to you, but it really meant I had to wake up a nine and didn't go to sleep until 2 am.
I had no life, okay?
Anyway, now that it is coming back on I really am excited to have this place in my heart refilled.
I just don't know if I will be able to take waiting a whole week to see new episodes.
When I watched them online it was only a matter of minutes.
We shall see.
Anyway, if you don't watch Lost but plan on watching season 6 because of the hype I am gonna post a video to kind of get you caught up, but its really better to just watch seasons 1-5. 

Good luck!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I like sibling rivalries...

Two rivalries made their way into mainstream news this past week:
Jay Leno vs. Conan O'Brien
Stefan vs. Damon 

Conan gave his farewell speech this past Friday on his final show, which was very dignified and kind of beautiful(according to my google search he got huge ratings too, TAKE A LOOK NBC).
You can read the main article here.
There is also a link to check out what the celebs had to say about the whole situation, which I found interesting.
Its quite upsetting seeing him go.
I watched both shows to sample out the material and Conan is much funnier, not to mention the fact that he got royally screwed in the whole deal.
But, what Conan said that really made me sympathetic of his situation was:
"Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen."
Oh Conan...why did you have to go!!!
I can be angry at Leno but it isn't going to reap much so in actuality all of my hate goes to NBC for this travesty. 
I would write them a long strongly worded letter....but I know they would just toss it out like they do with everything else worth anything.

(and you knew this was coming)

Vampire Diaries!
I wont spend too much time talking about this, but it was an acceptable opener.
I dont really understand why after being in a car accident Elena wasn't taken to the hospital, but I digress.
I really like Damon, because he is a bad boy...why else? (he was also on Lost which makes him the epitome of sexy)
Im glad it didn't end retarded, even though it kind of did.
Stefan and Elena are back together, but now we find out (SPOILER ALERT) he's been stalking her for half a year and saved her from the deadly car accident which claimed her parent's lives.
They are good looking people so what do you expect, I can't resist a vampire with a soft side who is usually paired with a vampire with an edge.
Edward and Rosalie (Twilight)
Bill and Eric (True Blood)
Louis and Lestat (Interview with a Vampire)
Stefan and Damon (Vampire Diaries)

Now, just to amuse me, watch this terribly old commercial from bing that I truly find confusing.
Why does she laugh?