Friday, March 12, 2010


Hi, everyone.
This week I watched The Oscars, Gossip Girl (The Hurt Locket), Lost (Dr. Linus), and The Office (St. Patrick's Day) which were okay, good, great, and funny, respectively. 
I want to talk about all of these shows.....seriously I do!
But I wont.
I will, however, talk about Sunday's episode of How to Make it in America which I appreciated.
But first, I will talk about actors, actresses, and Hollywood.
Skip ahead if you don't want to hear my rant.

Lets talk about underrated actors and actresses.
I REALLY want to know what you guys think about this.
No...Im serious, lol.

I really think there are quite a few.
I know these have been said before, but I agree: 

1. Zooey Deschanel (see 500 days of Summer)
2. Casey Affleck (see Gone Baby Gone)
3. Michelle Monaghan (see Gone Baby Gone)
4. Aaron Standford (see The Hills Have Eyes 2)
5. Ben Foster (see X-Men the Last Stand)
6. Edward Norton (see American History X)
7. Emile Hirsch (see Into The Wild) [i haven't seen this personally btw]
8. Joseph Gordon-Levitt (see Brick)
9. James Franco (see Pinneapple Express) [for my own amusement =]
10. Cillian Murphy [see Watching the Deceives] 

Those are my [few] choices.
Im positive other people can come up with better ideas.
Give it a shot!

Now, Bryan Greenberg is pretty awesome.
He is usual type-casted as that Jewish kid from New York, but he plays it well.
BTW, my brother loves this guy and this show.
I recently re-watched 'Prime' with Uma Thurman and Greenberg which I still found hilarious.
Meryl Streep was in it if that motivates you to watch it.

A lot of people get on this guy because they think he is incapable of carrying a show, but hes doing pretty okay so far.
But, I am not one to make accurate predictions of a shows future.
See The Black Donnelly's, which I followed episode for episode until one day.....well, no episode.

Anyway, I talk about him because he is the star of 'How to Make it in America' and is doing good in making me laugh RIGHT before the episode goes off.
Anyway, this week we are following Ben as he deals with paying back David by getting him into Avenue and attending Rachel's birthday party.
Eventually, he just hangs with David, Cam, and whatever Kid Cudi's character is named.
However, he and Rachel seem to be carrying a torch for one another still.
Anyways, the episode was dry on laughs until we got to the very end, where Ben, Cam, and David were driving off and Ben says 
"Can we not be three dudes listening to Teddy Pendergrass in a white Bentley, please?"
Okay, well I will let you go.
Im sure you have had enough of my non-important speech.

Dont forget to list your most underrated actors/actresses list.
Underrated can mean ANYTHING you want.

Enjoy your weekend, school next week!
Yuck, school....

Oh I just remember to post this:
The Hurt Locker- Best Movie
Katherine Bigelow- Best Director
Sandra Bullock- Best Actress
Jeff Bridges- Best Actor
Christoph Waltz- Supporting Actor
Monique- Supporting Actress

I was going to say I predicted this, but since I don't have the proof whats the point!
Okay, seriously, go enjoy your weekend!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Special Delivery

Hello again!
The Office: Delivery part 1 and 2 premeired this past Thursday.
Did you see it?
It was hilarious.
I laughed the entire way through.
There were two episodes, but I think I can map out the gist of it.
Pam began having contractions but, wanting to wait until midnight, she held off on going to the hospital.
Much to the dismay of Jim.
The two of them are sooooo cute together.
They cemented their place as television's cutest couple.
So here were the highlights:
Dwight and Angela contracting a baby (you have to see to understand)
Jim having a meltdown
Andy's evolution of dance
Michael's untamed excitement over the baby
(Michael: Oscar! Should I bring a dictionary to the hospital?! Oscar: The hospital will provide dictionaries, bring a thesaurus. haha)
Erin and Kevin having a lunch date
Andy and Erin finally getting together.
Dwight sleeping in Jim and Pam's bed, commando, and tearing apart their kitchen
and finally
Pam finally giving birth!
Jim and Pam breast feeding the wrong baby
You gotta love them.
If you haven't seen it, you should definately watch it online, as well as the webisode The Mentor.
Tonight, 'The Oscars'!
Monday: 'Gossip Girl' premiere
Tuesday: new 'Lost'
Have a great week!
Enjoy your tv!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sundown (Spring BREAK)

It's been so long since my last post!
My friend(not really) called me a dead beat blogger so I have to update.
Just kidding, she really is my friend.
Hello Ross, lol.
Anyways, lets get on to the important stuff.
You know what im talking about.
What we have all been waiting for.
That's right.
Hold your applause people.

I am not gonna talk about previous weeks, because I can not catch up.
Too much happens in one episode, so its really hard.
I apologize.
But, I will talk about this week's (yesterday's) episode: Sundown.

Lets start with some background.
This being a Sayid-centered episode, we should start with our favorite torturer himself.
Sayid Jarrah.
He was seemingly dead in the season opener after suffering from a gun shot wound that carried all the way from last season.
He was taken to the Temple, as instructed to Hurley by Jacob, where they "drowned him" trying to save his life.
I don't know.
Whatever their intention may have been in doing that, he was killed.
Then, he woke up.
Leaving every Lost fan, mouth gaping and wondering "WTF?!"
Well, in this episode Sayid is wondering the same thing.
As Miles said "You were dead for two hours. They were just as surprised as we were when you sat up."
On top of that, the leader of the temple attempted to have Jack poison Sayid (read previous post).
Sayid was not only angry, but completely confused.
Meanwhile, in real time or the alternative universe, Sayid is taking his trip to see Nadia.
Only this time, Nadia is married to his brother with two children, though it is apparent to everyone (even the children and her husband) that the two of them are in love.
Eventually Nadia asks Sayid why he pushed her toward his brother, and he said "I don't deserve you" =[ Poor Sayid!

Sayid goes to see Dogen(leader of the temple thingy) and asks him why he thinks he is evil.
Proclaiming he is a "good man".
Dogen doesn't buy this sad story and they go into a full out Kill Bill-esque fight scene, where Dogen has Sayid by the neck but releases him when he sees his baseball fall on the floor.
We'll get back to that.
He then proceeds to banish Sayid from the temple when a suspicious looking Claire walks inside on a mission from The Man In Black/Smoke Monster/Locke.
Lets call him Not Locke, just for my amusement.
So, Not Locke wants Claire to deliver a message because he himself cannot go into the Temple.
Claire tells Dogen that Fake Locke wants to talk to him outside the gate, Dogen refuses claiming he is not a fool, and reclaims Sayid to do his dirty work.
He tells Sayid to prove that he is a good man and kill Fake Locke as soon as he sees him in the forest.
He tells him Not Locke is "Evil Incarnate"
Sayid agrees, I assume hoping to regain some credibility.
Kate returns to the Temple and hears that Claire is being held in 'the hole' which is literally a hole in the ground.
Kate goes to Claire, tells her she has raised Aaron, and Claire(getting all scary) kind of grunts then smiles.
In the last episode, she told Jin if Kate did have her baby she would kill her.
Scary, much?

In the alternate universe, Sayid's brother Omar makes a bad business decision and borrows money from a man (who turns out to be Keamy the mercenary who was out for Ben's head from season....3). Omar asks for Sayid's help, saying he knows what he did in the war and "what kind of man" he is. Sayid refuses, offering money instead.
Sayid just can't seem to shake that bad boy rep.
Ah, the casualties of war.
Anyway, Omar gets "mugged" by Keamy's guys and Nadia, realizing the situation, tells Sayid not to react.
Of course, Sayid listened, UNTIL Keamy's guys threatened his niece and nephew.
They kidnapped, for lack of a better word, Sayid and told him someone is gonna pay his money back.
Sayid, effortlessly, killed both of Keamy's guards and as Keamy begged for his life ("The debt is forgive. Lets just forget this") Sayid does what feels natural: "I can't" He says, and BANG BANG. Kills him dead.
Needless to say, this episode was action packed.

Meanwhile, on the Island Sayid sees Not Locke in the forest in stabs him on sight.
However, Not Locke removes the knife and says "Shame on you" for doing Dogen's bidding.
Dogen, only wanting to get Sayid killed, was not to be trusted in Not Locke's eyes.
Not Locke tells Sayid he wants him to deliver a message and that he will give him anything in the world if he chooses to side with him.
Sayid tells him what he wanted, died in his arms (Nadia, some two seasons ago).
Locke tells him he can have it (meaning her) too.

Sayid goes back to the Temple and tells everyone in a loud voice that Not Locke was leaving the Island at sundown because Jacob was dead and if they wanted to come they would meet him.
Then Sayid goes to see Dogen to "return his knife."
Dogen, suprised to see Sayid alive, tells him that he used to be a business man and that Jacob saved his son(junior baseball player) from a terrible drunk driving accident involving himself, but the only trick was that Dogen had to take his place on the Island in a new job.
He then asks Sayid if he will stay(in the temple) or go (with Not Locke).
Sayid tells him he would like to stay, then throws him in the pool he was drowned in and kills him.
See? Action packed.
Then Dogen's apprentice guy goes off on a rant saying "That was the only thing keeping it out(Smoke Monster?)" but is then killed by Sayid ruthlessly.

After a while the Smoke Monster(who is really Not Locke) raids the place, killing everyone in his path.
Kate goes to find Claire who tells her she will be safer in the hole.
Ilana enters with Lepidus, Ben, and Sun who helps Miles escape.
Ben, however, goes to find Sayid (heroically, I might add. Pretty out of character.) but Sayid tells him there is no time left for him.

Finally, Kate, Claire, and Sayid along with some others who joined Not Locke before sundown head out on a mission that I am still a little foggy about.
So that was Lost.

New Office tomorrow on NBC at 8.
Pam is having the baby!
& The Oscars are Sunday!

Enjoy your spring break, unless of course, your not on spring break.
Then enjoy your week!