If you watched the Vampire Diaries on thursday, your probably thinking
"Where the f&*k is Katherine."
Trust me, I know.
Shall I start from the beginning?
If you read my previous Vampire Diaries blog post you know everything (important) about the last episode.
So lets start where I left off.
Elena was kidnapped and taken to a hotel room to be guarded by Anna's boy toy....whatshisname.
Bonnie is in the bath tub taking a nap(she was kidnapped too).
Fast forward to Stefan going mad with rage, breaking the two of them out of the room, and telling the boy toy if he doesn't disappear he's dead.
He did all this of course, without the help of Damon who is still extremely angry at both Elena and Stefan for being tricked.
Again, see the previous blog post.
Still, Stefan apologizes and tells him what happened to Katherine was completely his fault.
The apology was accepted followed by a painfully drawn out "I hope Elena dies."
Now, we just know thats untrue.
Fast forward again.
Anna is pissed with her boy toy (his name is Ben btw...I just googled it) and realizes even though they don't have the leverage they need to get into the tomb, Damon will find a way anyhow.
Elena, with Bonnie, her Grandmother, and Stefan, realizes that they need to just open the tomb and get Katherine out. That way Damon will leave and this whole ordeal will be over with. And that way, they can burn the rest of the vampires alive. Or dead. Whatever.
Granny agrees to help, and the games begin.
Now this is where it gets pretty....strange.
Elena goes to find Damon who doesn't look surprised to see her, even though he had high hopes for her untimely demise. Yea, right.
She tells him that she and the rest of the gang really intend on helping him free Katherine.
Understandably, he is skeptical.
She takes off her vervain necklace(the one that keeps him from compelling her) and tells him to ask her of her true motives.
Damon, ever so sexily, puts the necklace back on her(see picture below) and tells her not to make him regret trusting her. Again.
Meanwhile, there is a party going on in the woods...like 100 feet from where they are getting ready to unleash all of these vampires, where Jeremy and Anna begin to get cozy.
Anna tells him she is moving away and the two get extremely close to prepare for a kiss when her boy toy hits him over the head, rendering him unconscious.
"You didn't have to hit him that hard" she said. "Yes. I did." Jealous, much?
Flash forward, to where Bonnie and her Grandmother open the tomb.
Stefan goes back above ground to get the gasoline for the burning alive segment. I mean dead...Whatever.
Using the opportunity as it was presented, Damon holds Elena "hostage" and brings her inside the tomb with him.
Just to ensure that he will be able to come up, seeing as the witches don't really have any reason to trust/protect him anyhow.
Elena, a little to understanding about this, goes inside willingly.
"I get it" she says.
Above ground, Stefan battles with Anna's boy toy having to choose between stopping Anna from entering the tomb or saving Elena's little brother(Jeremy).
Here, he burns Ben alive(or dead, whatever) with a...flamethrower and runs back inside.
Anna is permitted to enter the tomb by the witches, because Bonnie's grandmother never lifted the seal to let Vampire's exit the tomb in the first place.
Inside, Damon slips away from Elena, who is then caught by Anna.
Anna informs her that she always wanted to revive her mother by giving her Gilbert blood-initially deciding on Jeremy. But Elena was right there, making it oh so convenient .
She proceeds to revive her mother with blood from Elena's wrist.
Outside the tomb, Stefan hears Elena's scream and enters, knowing he will not be able to come out.
He saves her, but cannot follow her outside the tomb as previously stated.
Bonnie begs her Grandmother to help her free Stefan, while Elena curiously worries about Damon.
Stefan agrees to find Damon so he wont be locked inside.
Bonnie and her Grandmother lift the spell, but it takes a lot out of them.
Damon, with a bag of blood to revive Katherine, realizes she isn't there and goes bad.
He throws the bag against the wall and goes....crazy would be a good word.
Stefan cannot calm him down, so Elena has to.
She runs inside, trying to find the Salvatore brothers before the tomb seal closes.
Damon sees her, and agrees to come along.
He, Stefan, Elena, Pearl, and Anna make it out just in the nick of time.
Oh, joy.
Elena then gives Damon a really long hug.
"Im so sorry." she says as Stefan looks on at the two of them in sorrow and....is that suspicion i detect?
Afterward, Elena nurses Jeremy back to health and asks him if he remembers what happened.
He says no, but the moment she leaves to Bonnie's house, he goes on the internet and searches Vampires in the real world.
Damon finds Anna and begins to choke Pearl asking "Why do you get a happy ending?"
Anna pleads for her mother's life and Pearl tells Damon the truth.
Katherine offered eternal life to one of the guards and he let her go.
Anna tells Damon that she had last seen Katherine in Chicago, some odd years ago.
Katherine never came looking for Damon because she didn't care.
Damon goes away and mopes to Leona Lewis' "Run".
At Bonnie's, her grandmother lays down after feeling drained from the spell and seemingly dies.
Then, cut back to the tomb where a mysterious slow moving vampire picks up the blood that Damon threw and revives himself.
He then exits the tomb, ever so slowly.
Seal or no seal?
I am honestly concerned with Damon and Elena's progressing relationship.
This isn't looking good for Stefan.
But they do look exceptionally cute together.
Vampire Diaries continues March 25th.
Ugh, what will I do with my Thursdays?
Well, there is still The Office and The Olympics(if your into that sort of thing).
Speaking of The Office, Pam goes into labor next week!
Im excited!
Wanna hear the mopey music?
Leona Lewis- Run